Home > I just don't understand...

I just don't understand...

September 26th, 2007 at 04:08 am

why peoples priorities are so backward. I have some friends (and kin) who spend, spend, spend, and then complain about not having any money. New cars, new big screens, the best of this, and the best of that. I'm sure alot of these people make the equalivant of what my husband does, if not more, and never have any money when needed.
Do these people not know how to put back for a rainy day???? Or do they just feel like they need to keep up with the Jonses. Do they have no self control??? Instant gratification is not good!
I myself have a small amout in my EF, clip coupons, do rebates, etc.
I am also tring to instill in my children that anything worth having is worth waiting for (and working for).
I just want to tell these people that they don't need all the crap that they buy, but it wouldn't do any good. I guess they enjoy the rat race.

I'll take peace of mind any day. Smile

Okay, vent over.

2 Responses to “I just don't understand...”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yeah, I don't understand that now either. It's no way to live.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I agree. I am so upset that my BIL cannot help his father cause he blows every dime he earns, and he makes over 100K a year.

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