Home > Changed 401K

Changed 401K

September 21st, 2007 at 01:48 pm

Last night my DH and I were looking over his 401K and changed it up a bit. We are going more agressive. We put most everything in stocks, with 10% in bonds, and 10% in a balanced fund. We'll see how it goes.

Have to run a few errands today. Seems like that's all I've been doing. I want to have only 1 or 2 errand days a wk, but something always comes up.

I rented a movie from Redbox, so should have a quiet night at home tonight. Smile

Challenge update:
$ 10.00.............rebate
$ balance

2 Responses to “Changed 401K”

  1. terri77 Says:

    I changed my 457(b) to be more aggressive earlier this year. I realized that I had the time until retirement to be more aggressive so I went for it. I'm actually all in stocks now.

  2. Amber Says:

    I just changed my 401k as well went a little bit more aggressive myself

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