June 1st, 2007 at 05:15 am
He has approx. $1200.00 in a savings acct. that he does not touch. He also has another acct. started for a car when he turns 16. This acct. has approx. $700.00. My husband and I are going to match this amount when he goes to purchase his car. Now his question is how should he "invest" his money. He wants to get CD's, but I know there has to be something better out there that earns better intrest. Anybody have any suggestions?
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May 7th, 2007 at 04:05 am
I tried to post two pics, but apparently I have no clue.
These are the cookies that I make on a stick. I can arrange these (and others) in a bouquet or put them in a planter.
My DH thinks I should have a website and do mail orders for the cookies. What do yall think???
Are yall tired of seeing my pics yet???
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May 3rd, 2007 at 05:06 am
I did another cake order today. I will add the $$$ to my total later. I have more orders for this weekend, so will update then.
This cake was for a baby shower.
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