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Archive for February, 2009

Starting over

February 9th, 2009 at 02:18 pm

I have not posted since the beginning of January. Since my step fathers death, everything seems to be in a whirlwind (including our finances.) So I am starting over.

We are still doing renovations from hurricane Ike. Finally found someone who isn't out to gouge people. He does good quality work for a fair price.

Two nights ago, someone dropped a puppy at my house. She's a sweety, but I don't want another dog. Already have four. I will try to find her a good home. Wish me luck! Smile

Paid my annual house insurance several weeks ago but the check hasn't posted to my acct. yet. Need to call today and make sure there is no lapse in coverage.

Due to several posts about, I will be checking them out when I have some time. I need to declutter, and could put the money toward the $20.00 challenge.