July 16th, 2008 at 05:26 pm
The fam and I decided to go to the wave pool yesterday. We had fun, but we were exhausted.
Upon leaving I noticed air was escaping from my DH's truck tire, so our trip was delayed a little while he removed the tire. It turned out to be the valve stem. We took care of that before we went because my DH works on call, and it needed to be fixed asap. Fortunately we were not charged for the repair.
We did stop for a quick lunch for only $7.50. We brought a cooler of drinks so saved a few bucks there.
The admission for the wave pool has gone up $2.00 pp though. A little much IMO.
Also had to buy new flip flops for my youngest as he lost his others. Somehow we only found one out in the yard??? Filled up the car at $68.00. YIKES!!! Quite a spendy day. 
I ordered flea control for the dogs today. Went through Ebates and will get $12% back. Yea! Also earned a $5.00 gift card at Petcare RX.
I have a few errands to run today. Hoping to take my 7 yo to get his school supplies, just to have it done and out of the way. Also going to the grocery store to get milk at $3.00/gal. and ground meat at $1.77/lb.
Adding $20.00 to the challenge for coupon savings, bringing the total to $2256.00
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July 15th, 2008 at 05:40 pm
now I'm broke (again)
The bills paid today include the mortgage (w/ extra principle payment), phone, escrow, emergency fund, and 2 medical bills.
Still need to pay CC (pd. in full every mo.), and to update the vacation fund.
DH is off work today so we plan on taking the chitlins' to the wave park or the movies. Each place is only $5.00 pp so not too expensive.
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July 13th, 2008 at 02:56 pm
Well, I had my garage sale. I only made $30.00. I placed an ad, but there was a garage sale up the road from me that didn't. I believe when the people were coming to mine they thought that one was it, and didn't venture further down the road.
This one was a far cry from my last one where I made $600.00. Bummer.
With all the work involved, I don't think I will do it again. It's just a lot easier donating and getting a tax write-off.
Adding $30.00 to the challenge, bringing the total to $2236.00.
On another note, I went to CVS yesterday to get the Folgers and Tide that were on sale. If you buy $20.00 worth, you get a free case of water. They were out of coffee, so I asked the mgr. for a rain check, and asked if I get the free water now or when I purchase the coffee. She got all defensive on me saying the $20.00 purchase had to be made TODAY!!! I replied that the Folgers and Tide were all that I wanted, and that it wasn't my fault they were out of coffee. She said it doesn't make a difference! I will call corporate Monday and see what they say. This new mgr. is bad news. Even the employees have voiced to me that she is unbearable.
My DD leaves for church camp tomorrow. We still have a lot to do to prepare. She is really looking forward to going.
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July 7th, 2008 at 06:28 am
Though I didn't get everything accomplished that I setout to do I still feel pretty good about what I got done today.
Decluttered DD's rm and closet. We threw away two lg. Walmart bags of junk! I had her try on some of her clothes that were questionable. Quite a few went to the garage sale pile. Several pairs of shoes also went. She also culled some toys!
I ventured into the "closet of doom" as my husband calls it.
This is where I keep blankets, pillows, etc. I also keep my "overstock" in there. Things that I have gotten free or very cheap (such as toiletries and cleaning supplies.) I culled about half to the garage sale pile. At the last garage sale people bought this crap up! Hope I have the same luck this time.
Tomorrow I plan to go through the master bedroom and closet, master bath, finish my boys room, and maybe start on the sunroom (aka the junk room).
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July 6th, 2008 at 03:28 pm
Well yesterday I did everything I set out to do. I decluttered the kitchen, dining rm, dining rm closet, computer room, and the living room. Whew!
Today I plan to go thru my kids rooms and the hall closet. If I have enough time, the master bath.
Adding $5.00 (NSD) and $12.00 (coupons) to the challenge, bringing the total to $2206.00
Posted in
July 5th, 2008 at 05:10 pm
I'm having a garage sale next weekend with several friends, so my focus this week is to purge as much as possible. I went to several decluttering websites, and on one it said to ask yourself if you love an item, and if you have used it within the last year. If the answer is no, get rid of it! On another website it says to ask yourself if the item brings you happiness. When you look at it or use it does it make you happy. I have a feeling I will be getting rid of a lot.
Yesterday I cleaned out my laundry room. Cleaned the washer and dryer, scrubbed the floor on my hands and knees, and put stray items where they belong. The room looks so much lighter now, and this is what I want to achieve in the rest of the house.
Today I plan to work on my:
dining rm
dining rm closet
computer rm
living rm
hall bath
I am piling evertything for the garage sale into a corner in my living rm and plan to start pricing Tues evening.
I hope to post my progress every evening to keep myself motivated.
Posted in
July 4th, 2008 at 01:24 am
We are adding $1250.00 to the EF. The total is now $5750.00. More than 30% to our goal. We were hoping to have this thing funded by the end of Oct, but I might have to give it another month (or 2). Blech!
Adding $149.00 to the challenge for rounding up the cks, coupons, rebates, rolled change. Total is now $2189.00.
This money will go to our vacation fund. We are just going to San Antonio. My oldest wants to go to Sea World, and my youngest studied the Alamo this past year and wants to go there. We may also go to Schlitterbahn.
The family and I are going to watch fireworks tonight. We live in a very small town and it is cheaper for the city to pay to have it done not on the actual holiday. We are popping popcorn and packing a cooler, and hopefully will have a relaxing evening.
Everyone have a great 4th!
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