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Archive for June, 2008

Today's savings

June 25th, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Went to CVS and saved $36.00 with coupons. This will be added to the challenge along with a $10.00 rebate ck. Also adding my Pinecone ck. for $5.00. New total is $2091.00.

My oldest child left for church camp Monday. He wouln't give me a hug before he left and totally broke my heart. I know he's at that age, but still... Frown

My other kids and I went to the library and got several movies and books. I have heard a lot about the book Maxed Out, so I checked that out. Looks to be pretty interesting.

One step forward, two steps back

June 18th, 2008 at 03:24 pm

Just when I think we may be getting ahead, something unforseen happens. Things are needing to be replaced around here. Coffee maker quit, central A.C. went out, etc...

Bought a new John Deere riding mower a few days ago. Love it! I researched Consumer Reports (as I do for all large purchases), and this one was a "best buy". Though it killed me we financed it. No interest for 12 mos. We will pay it off a lot quicker than that though. I figured that our priority is to get the em. fund fully funded first ($10,500.00 more to go.) We sold our old mower for $250.00, so that offsets the price a little.

I'm getting things around for a garage sale and am decluttering. It's a bit discouraging. I just keep telling myself one thing at a time. Smile

Adding $18.00 to the challenge for coupons, bringing the total to $2040.00

Broke 2000

June 9th, 2008 at 05:24 pm

I'm adding $143.00 to the challenge for counting change, coupons, and a cake order. Total is now $2022.00.

Challenge money

June 2nd, 2008 at 03:45 pm

I rounded up all my cks for the mo of May and am adding $22.00 to the challenge. Also adding $46.00 for coupon savings, bringing the total to $1879.00.

Paid the balance on my kids church summer camp fee. That was $200.00 well spent. They will have a ball.

Also today I will be depositing $1500.00 into the emergency fund. YEA!

Went blueberry picking yesterday with the kids. YUM!!! We picked a little over 17 lbs!!! At $1.75/lb, it cost around $31.00. Great savings over the grocery store. 4.4 oz. for $3.97.