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Archive for October, 2007


October 25th, 2007 at 02:11 pm

I have been forgetting so much lately. Is it that time of year when everyone just has too much to do? What's bad is I'm a list maker, and still can't keep it all together!
I will be running errands today to try to finish up shopping for my son's camp out this weekend. My DH is going with him on a Boy Scout outing. Should be fun. One on one time is always good. I'm taking the other kids to a movie. Anyting good playing that is appropriate (sp?) for the 10 to 13 y.o. group?

adding $40.00 to the challenge for NSD, No A.C.,and coupons. Total now $3008.00

Free is good!!!

October 23rd, 2007 at 02:26 pm

I was playing on the internet yesterday and ran across a coupon for $5.00 off Polly Pockets. (Google "Polly Pockets coupon" and you'll find it.) There are some that are less than $5.00, so free! This is a good thing for a Toys for Tots or Operation Christmas Child donation. Also found a code for a free one night rental for Redbox. Enter promo code "scary".

Adding to the challenge:

$ AC/heat for 2 days
$ 5.00......NSD yesterday
$ 32.00......cake order
$ balance

A nip is in the air....

October 11th, 2007 at 02:20 pm

Woke up this morning and it's a little chilly. Yeah, time to open the windows! I absolutely love this time of year. (Adding $5.00 to the challenge for no air/heat.)
My 6 y.o. decided to wear jeans today, and had only one pr. in his closet that fit him. Frown So off to the store I go today.) Good thing the store I'm going to is supposed to be having a sale today. Not much around here for second hand.
Also my son started boy scouts a few weeks back. He is really enjoying it so far. He got his uniform last week and said "I look good in this". It was sweet. He is going camping with his dad and the troop at the end of the mo. I will stay home with the other kids. Camping is not really my thing anyway.
My kids get their report cards today. I can access theit grades online and thay are all making A's & B's. I'm a little upset about the B's (only a few), and was talking to a friend about it last night, and they asked if I have always been so hard on my kids. I think I take offense to that????!!!! I want my kids to do the best they possibly can is all. And some of those B's are not up to their potential. All this coming from someone whose kids don't put forth any extra effort???!!! Oh' well.
The in-laws are coming in this weekend, so I need to get a menu planned. Think I'll go with some steaks on the grill one night, and chili another night. Yum.
Also saved around $40.00 in coupons since the last time I blogged. Will update total later.
Also made $50.00 in cake sales.