November 20th, 2008 at 03:27 pm
and my DH thinks that's me!
Let me explain.
Yesterday I bought some ground beef that was marked down. I divided the meat in one pound bags to freeze. Then I went on to wash the trays that the meat was on. My DH asked what I was doing and I told him I was planning to cut the trays down to use as light switch and outlet insulators. He busted out laughing! What? I was totally serious!
You can buy those thing made especially for that but why, when you can get it for "free".
Hope he doesn't commit me to thr psych ward...
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November 18th, 2008 at 03:30 pm
How much money do kids have these days that they can spend on anything they desire? When I was growing up I wasn't given money to spend on crap. I had to scrimp and save for things that I wanted. Maybe that's why I am like I am today (money-wise.) And that's a good thing.
I hope I'm teaching my kids good money values that they can have for the rest of their lives. Just the other day I showed my oldest son (13) how compound intrest works and he was amazed. In DR's book it shows how an eighteen y.o. can invest $2000.00/yr for five years and have over one million at retirement (at 10%). WOW!
To make extra money my son buys things and sells them for a profit at school. (and he doesn't do half bad.) When he reaches a certain dollar amt. he is going to deposit it in savings. Yea! He already has an acct for a car when he turns 16, and plans to buy it with cold hard cash! Maybe, just maybe, something is sinking in.
Sorry for the babbeling...
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November 17th, 2008 at 02:57 pm
My emergency fund is fully funded!!! Yea! We are only one month behind, so not so bad. Now we can move on to our Roths. Plan to open one this week. Anyone have any recomendations? Also want to do college funds. Anyone want to give advice on ESA's or 529's?
Thanks in advance.
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November 2nd, 2008 at 04:12 pm
We sold my daughters piano a few days ago. It's funny, I advertised it locally for $100.00 (I just wanted it gone) with only a nibble and no sale. Then I decided to try Craigslist. The response was phenominal. Advertised and sold it for $200.00! YEA!
Havent been doing much home cooking so I found some quick and easy recipes online that I want to try. I found them on I look at the reviews and make modifications accordingly. So now I need to make a list and go shopping. (I just dread grocery shopping.)
Still working on the house construction. It's going to be a long road. The roffers are coming tomorrow. They should be able to get done in one day. That's good becase rain is expected Tues. or Wed.
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