Home > Updating the challenge and question

Updating the challenge and question

September 12th, 2007 at 01:04 pm

I haven't added to the challenge in quite some time, but I'm only going back a few days.

$2455.00 balance
$ 10.00 2 NSD (Mon & Tues)
$ 80.00 cake and cookie orders
$ 14.00 coupon savings
$2559.00 new total

DH is due some back pay. Hoping to get it Friday. That will be applied to my car payment. Maybe getting it paid off w/i 9 mos. will happen.

Okay, now the question. My 12 yr.old son wants a laptop for his birthday/Christmas combination gift. I have budgeted for this but really don't have a clue what kind to get, memory, brand, etc. Anyone have any suggestions? TIA

1 Responses to “Updating the challenge and question”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I would go with one of the $500 Toshibas. They are regular workhorses and hard to damage, important if it belongs to a kid or a klutz!

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