Home > A long road ahead

A long road ahead

April 3rd, 2008 at 01:45 pm

Teenagers....SHEESH! Was I ever that bad? Ask my mom and I'm sure you will get all kinds of stories! Smile When do these kids stop thinking they know it all? 25? Progress reports came out yesterday, and I was not happy. Oldest got a FAILING grade in Advanced English! He just didn't find it neccesary to do an assignment that was a test grade and a daily assignment grade also. This brought his average WAY down. There is no excuse, and I told him this. He said he didn't have time. Baloney! This kid hardly has to put forth any effort and still manages to be on the honor roll. I thought he was diciplined enough to take care of his own buisness. I was wrong.

I feel like I'm at such a loss. Questioning my parenting abilities....

On another note, I saved $192.00 with coupons and gift cards this last week bringing my challenge total to $1489.00

6 Responses to “A long road ahead”

  1. homebody Says:

    This is the same child stealing cigarettes? Mmm....time to sit on him, but then I was very strict with my older daughters. They knew what was expected from them when they entered junior high, and knew what the rewards would be. Maybe it's time to sit some guidelines along with consequences and then the most important thing.... stick to it!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Strange. Usually when children are failing school, it's not usually because of school work per se, but losing faith somewhere else. Perhaps family issues, or problems with other kids at school, or break-ups with a girlfriend. Something like that. Sometimes, it's stress too.

    I could be wrong though. It could something as simple as not wanting to do school work. I don't know. So many things.

    Now, maybe this isn't what you want to hear but... a lot of guys, they don't ever grow out of that. They grow up to be in their 30's anyway and still think they know everything. I have friends who are like that, and to be fair, I could very well be like that as well. Big Grin

    Still, I could also be wrong in the sense that it could only be a phase, and they'll grow out of that soon. Strangely enough, my teenager hasn't exhibited any traits of this attitude (yet). Very strange indeed. But he never copped an attitude with me (I'm not the type you want to do that with), and I think he knows that I care very much try to be as supportive as possible about what happens to him....

  3. littlemama Says:

    Yep, same kid. I thought I was strick and he KNOWS what is expected of him! Oh yeah, he is so grounded for his past two offenses. I have an appointment with his teacher to discuss things. Gotta find out what is going on.

  4. littlemama Says:

    BA, he's only having problems with this one class because he didn't have time and didn't want to do it (he says.) He is making A's and B's in all his other classes. Yes, there could be other issues, but he won't talk about it if there were. I'm hoping it's just a phase, but I would hate it if I were wrong.

  5. homebody Says:

    Sounds like you are on the right track of dealing with it. Make sure you verbalize your love and support. Just my humble parental advice...

  6. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Maybe it was a test of you - to see if you still care about his homework. And, it could be cockiness on his part, that classwork comes so easy to him that nothing could bring his scores down.

    Maybe he just needs to hear that 1)yes you are on top of the grade situation and have expectations and 2)Woah buddy, you can't just rest on your intelligence laurels!

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