Home > That wouldn't be smart!

That wouldn't be smart!

December 5th, 2008 at 04:18 pm

I went to a few garage sales this morning with a friend and didn't buy a thing. BUT...there was a beautiful Honda Shadow at one that I was eyeing. It was a 2007 model and the gentleman said he had bought it for his wife who ended up not liking it. Only 157 miles on it. Boy, my DH would love that thing! Then I had a fleeting thought of buying it to resale...No Littlemama - walk away!

We are still doing repairs from Ike. It is hell to get someone out here to even get a quote. They all have too much to do that they don't care. We finally got someone out here and the quote was outrageous. $800.00 for ONE wall of sheetrock. (Ima, can I borrow your DH?)
Well, my DH and I decided we can (maybe) do it ourselves. We bought the materials and tools for a little less than $100.00. we could screw the whole thing up several times and stll make out better than the quote. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll post pics. when it's done.

1 Responses to “That wouldn't be smart!”

  1. Koppur Says:

    Good luck with the home repairs!

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